Latest news and articles:

Member Organisation Types

5 Aug 2013 | Volunteer Trends

This graph shows the diversity of member organisations registered with Volunteering Auckland. Volunteering covers a wide variety of organisations and...

Magic Moments

5 Aug 2013 | Volunteer Trends

Recently we celebrated National Volunteer week and the team from IHC, a member organisation we have had a long standing relationship with, came for a...

Let's Talk

5 Aug 2013 | Volunteer Trends

EXCITE .. EXCITE ... our new website is now live which incorporates on-line voluntary opportunities and self referrals.  This has been a very big proj...

My First Time...

16 Jul 2013 | Volunteer Stories

As part of our birthday celebrations a group of well-known New Zealand acting talents alongside some of our very own volunteers got together to show t...

One Mum's Story

20 Jun 2013 | Volunteer Stories

A chronically sick child in a family usually means a lot of hard work - and not a lot of spare time. But a sick child in Dianne Smith’s family meant s...

Magic Moments

19 May 2013 | Volunteer Trends

In December VA staff  were invited by one of our long time member organisations for an end of year catch up and coffee. It was a welcome break at a bu...

Let's Talk

19 May 2013 | Volunteer Trends

National Volunteer Week is fast approaching - 16-22 June - with the theme of "He Tangata, He Tangata, He Tangata" . The most important thing...

National Volunteer Week 2013 - Te Wiki Tūao a Motu

19 May 2013 | Articles

National Volunteer Week (NVW) (previously known as Volunteer Awareness Week) is celebrated annually. Events and celebrations are held across New Zeala...

Barriers to Volunteering

19 May 2013 | Articles

Earlier this year our team interviewed an enthusiastic young woman interested in volunteering for an admin position. Options were discussed, her skill...

Board Talk

19 May 2013 | Articles

Hi everyone. As a newly appointed Trustee, I am delighted to contribute to this month’s newsletter. I recently spent a day shadowing the GM and VA sta...

Volunteer Stories

A sense of purpose and belonging

I’ve loved to see people have fun at our community circus events