Latest news and articles:
Member Organisation Types
This graph shows the diversity of member organisations registered with Volunteering Auckland. Volunteering covers a wide variety of organisations and...
Magic Moments
Recently we celebrated National Volunteer week and the team from IHC, a member organisation we have had a long standing relationship with, came for a...
Let's Talk
EXCITE .. EXCITE ... our new website is now live which incorporates on-line voluntary opportunities and self referrals. This has been a very big proj...
My First Time...
As part of our birthday celebrations a group of well-known New Zealand acting talents alongside some of our very own volunteers got together to show t...
One Mum's Story
A chronically sick child in a family usually means a lot of hard work - and not a lot of spare time. But a sick child in Dianne Smith’s family meant s...
Magic Moments
In December VA staff were invited by one of our long time member organisations for an end of year catch up and coffee. It was a welcome break at a bu...
Let's Talk
National Volunteer Week is fast approaching - 16-22 June - with the theme of "He Tangata, He Tangata, He Tangata" . The most important thing...
National Volunteer Week 2013 - Te Wiki Tūao a Motu
National Volunteer Week (NVW) (previously known as Volunteer Awareness Week) is celebrated annually. Events and celebrations are held across New Zeala...
Barriers to Volunteering
Earlier this year our team interviewed an enthusiastic young woman interested in volunteering for an admin position. Options were discussed, her skill...
Board Talk
Hi everyone. As a newly appointed Trustee, I am delighted to contribute to this month’s newsletter. I recently spent a day shadowing the GM and VA sta...