Upcoming Conferences and Workshops 2015

17 Apr 2015 | Volunteer Trends

Upcoming Conferences and Workshops 2015

The Body Remembers
25 & 26 June | Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre | Auckland
Join trauma specialist, author and international trainer, Babette Rothschild, for a two day workshop exploring the theory of trauma, addressing clinician's perspectives, and tackling critical issues and key stages in recovering from trauma. Participants will be provided with an expanded mind and body based toolbox for increasing and maintaining stability, determining when or when not to proceed to memory processing and much more!

Who should attend?
This training is ideal for any helping professionals. The theory, tools and techniques presented in this workshop are easily integrated across the widest range of treatment modalities including CBT, EMDR, Somatic Experiencing and more.

Participants register online at internationalfaculty.cmhe.org.

Developing Meaningful Roles for Volunteers
12 October | Venue to be advised | Auckland
A half day workshop - more information to come - by Rob Jackson
Rob Jackson is a leader in the UK volunteer management field, and has been involved in volunteer management for the past 20 years including roles with the University of Surrey, Barnardo’s, Royal National Institute of the Blind and Volunteering England. He is a highly regarded trainer, facilitator, consultant and is a member of the editorial team for the international journal, www.e-volunteerism.com
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Measuring Volunteering
12 October | Venue to be advised | Auckland
A half day workshop - more information to come - by Rob Jackson
Rob Jackson is a leader in the UK volunteer management field, and has been involved in volunteer management for the past 20 years including roles with the University of Surrey, Barnardo’s, Royal National Institute of the Blind and Volunteering England. He is a highly regarded trainer, facilitator, consultant and is a member of the editorial team for the international journal, www.e-volunteerism.com
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Volunteer Stories

Passionate about young people

It felt good to know that I was helping make a difference for young people. One word at a time, one dollar at a time.