Member Services

Member Services

Non-profit members gain access to the following:

  • Recruitment and referral of volunteers referrals to your organisation, including individuals and corporate teams using Volunteering Auckland’s web platform and recruitment tools.
  • Training for managers and coordinators of volunteers - for people responsible for volunteer engagement. Attend online or in person seminars, forums and training workshops specifically designed to help you engage, retain and mobilise volunteers.
  • Advice and consultancy. Non-profit members receive on going consultation and support from our membership support team representatives in developing and reviewing their volunteer programme upon registration.
  • A networking and support forum for managers and coordinators of volunteers, and others responsible for engaging volunteers. This includes access to join our online LoVe Forum discussions which encourage peer to peer learning and support.
  • Information and Resources on Volunteering Access and signposting to e-information and resources on volunteering and volunteerism including books, manuals, and journals from New Zealand, Australia and around the world.
  • Sign up to our e-news for non profits Volunteer Trends. See right of your screen.

Other benefits:

  • Invitations (in person or online) to attend or participate in events celebrating, recognising and mobilising volunteers in greater Auckland.
  • Annual promotions including National Volunteer Awareness Week (June), International Volunteer Manager's Day (November 5), UN International Volunteer Day (December 5), Volunteer Expos, Conferences, Festivals, and Displays.
  • Opportunity to acknowledge your volunteers through the publication of a “Volunteer Story” in our Volunteer e-News that reaches out to over 7000 plus subscribers every fortnight.
  • Information on volunteer engagement, retention and mobilisation, volunteer management and best practices. Also on managing a non-profit organisation's relationship to volunteers - both governance and service delivery.
  • Advocacy on volunteering policy and environment with local and central government, business and community sectors.
  • Emergency Volunteering advice and information for safe volunteer engagement practices during emergencies ie pandemics. This is updated regularly.

Ready to get started?

Membership Enquiry

Alternatively, proceed with membership application

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

Volunteer Stories

Saving lives on the water

I moved back to Auckland after 10 years away. I've always done some sort of volunteer work...this time I decided to try something different

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