Volunteering is an activity done of one’s own free will, unpaid, for the common good
  • You choose what you want to do, when you want to do it, and how long you want to do it for.
  • There is no payment involved (apart from some out-of-pocket expenses)
  • Someone or something in the community is benefiting from your contribution
  • You benefit from what you are ‘gifting’ to the community:
    • Learning about your community
    • Meeting people
    • Personal satisfaction
    • Building your confidence
    • Keeping active and involved
    • Meeting challenges
    • The ability to work with a range of people
    • New skills and experience
  • Research the causes or issues important to you.
  • Consider the skills you have to offer.
  • Would you like to learn something new?
  • Combine your goals.
  • Don’t over-commit your schedule.
  • Non-profits may have questions, too.
  • Consider volunteering as a family.
  • Virtual volunteering?
  • Give voice to your heart through Volunteering!

Applying for roles

Volunteering Auckland works with a wide range of non-profit organisations and makes their roles available to volunteers. Volunteers contact us, and we do our best to connect them with the most suitable volunteer role for their situation.

  • Volunteers most often apply for a specific role, however some wish to consult with us before deciding on a role.
  • With some roles, we put the volunteer directly in touch with the relevant organisation, to discuss the details of the role and how to get started.
  • With other roles, we are required to meet or talk with the volunteer to discuss their circumstances before referral, to ensure the role is suitable.
  • Volunteering Auckland does not perform interviews on behalf of organisations, and the choice to proceed with any role is always yours.

Talking with an advisor is not a job interview, and you don’t need to bring your CV. The most important preparation you can do is thinking about these important questions:

  • What would I like to achieve through volunteering – for myself and for others? Who would I like to help or work with?
  • What would I like to do? It could be a role you found on this site, or just something you thought up. It gives our advisors something concrete to work with.
  • How much time do I have available? When and on what days of the week?

A face to face consultation varies in length, however it usually takes around 20-30 minutes.

Phone consultations are convenient and can save everyone time, however they are not suitable for all roles and circumstances so you may be asked to come to a face to face meeting.

Some organisations will ask you to allow them to check your criminal history with Police. This is to ensure that volunteers have no convictions relevant to the role. This process is fairly common amongst non-profit organisations, particularly where the volunteer is working one-on-one with vulnerable individuals. More information is available on the NZ Police website.

Finding paid work

In most cases yes.
However do remember that it will take some time before a supervisor is able to provide a useful reference, especially as volunteer roles often involve working just one day a week.

It is quite common for volunteers to gain skills and experience which assists them in gaining paid work, however whether this will apply in your case will depend on the circumstances. Some skills are easier than others to develop working as a volunteer in a non-profit environment, and not every non-profit is able to commit time for training beyond the minimum.

New to New Zealand?

There are no visa requirements for volunteering so you are free to volunteer. Note that due to New Zealand immigration policy no monetary payments may be accepted by volunteer on a visitor visa.

Yes, you can!
However, there are fewer choices for short-term volunteering. Check out the currently available opportunities, and see the ‘Time Commitment’ section to see if the role is suitable for your situation. Alternatively contact us, let us know how long you have and what you would like to do, then one of our advisors will find roles for you to consider.

Some roles require a high level of English language ability, for example, roles where the main task is conversation. Other roles only require enough to get by, and some can be well suited to those looking to strengthen their skills. If you aren’t sure about your English language ability, arrange to see one of our advisors who will help find you a suitable role.

About Volunteering Auckland

Yes, Volunteering Auckland is a registered charity.
There are currently three paid staff and more than 20 volunteers including all of our advisors and volunteer desk staff.

Volunteering Auckland covers the whole of the greater Auckland region from Rodney to Franklin, from Waitakere to East Auckland, and including the Gulf Islands.

See the map and address information on our Contact page.

Volunteer Stories

Getting to "Hands On" at the Zoo

A friend suggested I volunteer ... now I am getting experience and confidence. It is varied and definitely stops me staying at home all weekend.

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