Latest in Volunteer Trends:

Let's Talk

16 Jul 2015 | Volunteer Trends

There is a Place for You to Volunteer! was the theme for National Volunteer Week 2015. Check out the stories on our FaceBook showcasing some of our....

Upcoming Conferences and Workshops 2015

17 Apr 2015 | Volunteer Trends

Upcoming Conferences and Workshops during 2015 either supported by, or facilitated by, Volunteering Auckland. The Body Remembers, Developing Meaningf...

Let's Talk

17 Apr 2015 | Volunteer Trends

Very exciting times here at Volunteering Auckland as we go into a strategic review process with all our services and programmes at a "tipping" point a...

Let's Talk

17 Jul 2014 | Volunteer Trends

National Volunteer Week 2014 has passed .. and it was great to see volunteering in the spot light! 

Mixed Messages

16 Jul 2014 | Volunteer Trends

Being able to "tell our stories" about volunteering is an interesting topic.  

Let's Talk

27 Apr 2014 | Volunteer Trends

Summer is drawing to a close .. days are becoming shorter. Nights are getting cooler. Is it time to curl up with a good book? No ... too much is happe...

Too many Volunteers?

5 Mar 2014 | Volunteer Trends

Volunteering Auckland has a new registrations process for people to register their interest as volunteers. And it's working! Our registrations have in...

Let's Talk

5 Mar 2014 | Volunteer Trends

Welcome to 2014! We hope you were able to relax and enjoy time with your whanau and friends over the holiday season. We have been back a while but ful...

Monthly Referrals

10 Oct 2013 | Volunteer Trends

This graph shows the growth in average monthly referrals of volunteers to our member organisations since the inception of our on-line referral process...

Let's Talk

10 Oct 2013 | Volunteer Trends

Sometimes when we plan a project we tend to think "what if it doesn't work?" and make a Plan B or Plan C. But, how often do we plan for succ...

Volunteer Stories

Volunteering with a big heart

I wanted to make a meaningful contribution to the organisation and to learn more about myself.