

Help Volunteering Auckland and contribute to your community:

Volunteer for VA:

Volunteering Auckland could not undertake the work we do without a strong team of volunteers who support us in our activities. From governance to service delivery and support we have a number of opportunities available for you to assist us in our mission.

  • Membership Liaison: Be part of a team that meets with and engages in constructive discussions with our member NGO organisations in Auckland. The aim is to understand the community group's’ volunteer recruitment and volunteer management needs and how we can support them with our services.
  • Administration Support: Greeting visitors to the office, and handling volunteer enquiries by phone and email. Requires very good communication skills, as well as data entry and record keeping ability.

If you think you are the right person for one of these roles, get in touch with us – we’ll provide more information and let you know about the next step.


Volunteering Auckland is a charity funded primarily by grants and donations, and we need your support to make a difference in Auckland.

Donate online via Paypal:


Donate via bank deposit or internet banking:

Bank: ASB
Account Name: Volunteering Auckland Trust
Account No: 12 3013 0842040 00
Reference: Your surname or business name
Code: Donation

Tax deduction:

Volunteering Auckland Trust is a registered charity. When making a donation, individuals and companies can claim this back on your tax. Our charity registration number is: CC23758.

Volunteer Stories

Engaging children with reading

I was looking for something interesting and rewarding to do with my time during a gap between paid jobs.