Vision, Mission, Values

Vision, Mission, Values


Volunteering Auckland will shape our future as tangata tiriti


Dedicated to Leadership, Support and Promotion of volunteering

Our Values - Ngā Uara o Mātou

We care about the Volunteers' experience
Ka manaakitia to poutūao ī āna wheako

We are generous with our knowledge
Ka horahia ō mātou mōhiohanga hei atawhai

We recognise the value of transforming lives through volunteering
Mā te mahi tūao, ka huri ora ai

We operate with integrity and act with respect
Mā tika, mā pono, ka kitea te ngākau whakaute

Volunteer Stories

Giving back to the community

After retiring and enjoying many years of family life, we both decided to try and put something back into the community.