Let's Talk

17 Apr 2015 | Volunteer Trends

Another busy period for us here at Volunteering Auckland. Registrations of volunteers are already at 92% of our annual target of 4,500 people with three months to go. The growth of our Employee Volunteering Programme continues with over half of our annual target of corpoarte staff being placed in community projects in just the last 3 months. And the number of requests we are receiving to review NGOs in their Volunteer Involving practices continues to grow.

Very exciting times here at Volunteering Auckland as we go into a strategic review process with all our services and programmes at a "tipping" point as to where we will take them. We will be asking our membership and other stakeholders your views as to what you would like to see us focusing on in the next 3-5 years so "watch this space" ... and survey monkey!

Our joint research project with Unitec, "First Contact: First Impressions", looking at the feedback VA receives from the volunteers whom we refer to our member organisations, is entering its 2nd phase. We will be looking more closely at a number of our members to see "what's happening" in their initial engagement of volunteers processes. If your organisation has been selected we will be in touch to arrange some one-on-one time. This to try to ascertain some best practice / good practices that we can then share with our members in the effective engagement of volunteers.

If you need assistance with a review of your Volunteer Involving Programme please contact us .. we are here to help.

Yours in Volunteering

Cheryll Martin

General Manager</p>

Volunteer Stories

My First Time...

As part of our birthday celebrations a group of well-known New Zealand acting talents alongside some of our very own volunteers got together to show t...