Let's Talk
Sometimes when we plan a project we tend to think "what if it doesn't work?" and make a Plan B or Plan C. But, how often do we plan for success? Well .. that's what's happening with the on-line referral portal on our website. We are now looking at additional ways to cope with the deluge of volunteers that are registering through our new website and the consequent referrals being made. From making on average 60 referrals per week we are now looking at nearly 170 per week!
The feedback from those of our member organisations who have updated their voluntary roles through our new system has been very positive. What we do need to ensure is that when we are referring an increased number of volunteers each week that our member organisations have the systems in place to ensure the effective engagement of those volunteers. Keeping up with contacting the volunteers within 48 hours, ensuring you have your interviewing, selection, orientation and any other training processes ready and regularly will ensure the potential volunteers do not "walk away" in frustration at the perceived "lack of interest" from your organisation. If you need any assistance with this please do not hesitate to contact us.
With the growth in our services we are developing a satellite office in Takapuna which we are working towards having in operation within the next 4-6 weeks. We will be delivering our Recruitment & Referral service from this space two days per week so if you are a member organisation or deliver your services on the North Shore look at what voluntary opportunities you have registered with us or what potential opportunities you have and let us know.
Yours in Volunteering
Cheryll Martin
General Manager