Too many Volunteers?
Volunteering Auckland has a new registrations process for people to register their interest as volunteers. And it's working! Our registrations have increased by over 100% and our member organisations who have registered their voluntary roles in our new system are benefiting. The graph shows just six months of volunteer registrations to December 2013 (red) compared with six months to December 2012 (blue).
However, we are now getting feedback from the volunteers that some organisations are taking a long time to contact the potential volunteers. Good practice is contact within 48 hours during the working week. We are also being told that we are referring too many volunteers for the organisations systems to cope. Being referred 25 - 50 volunteers in one week could be overwhelming!
To ensure that we are referring the right volunteers, including the maximum number, please keep in contact with us. Let us know if a role is filled, let us know if you have enough referrals for now. We can hold your role until you inform us to open it again.
Do you need help to refine your volunteer management engagement systems to ensure you can process the referrals of volunteers well? Contact us.</a>