Let's Talk

27 Apr 2014 | Volunteer Trends

Summer is drawing to a close .. days are becoming shorter. Nights are getting cooler. Is it time to curl up with a good book? No ... too much is happening! Lots of plans are in place over the next few weeks as we lead into National Volunteer Week, 15-21 June 2014. What will you be doing?

We will be running a month long campaign to raise the awareness of volunteering. From a Facebook campaign showcasing some of our member organisations, to two special workshop opportunities, to the launch of our Diversity in Volunteering Photographic Exhibit, and the release of our "Youth in Volunteering: Enablers and Barriers for 13-18 year olds within an organisational setting" research.

We would also like to remind our members that we will be closing off all voluntary roles in our old system to enable the launch of our new database by end April 2014. If you haven't already logged your current voluntary roles into our new system please do so here. You can also call our office if you need assistance or wish to discuss your voluntary needs and that your membership is up to date. Volunteer registrations are looking to top over 4,000 this year with over 5,500 referrals. Are you ready?

Yours in volunteering
Cheryll Martin
General Manager

Volunteer Stories

Let's Talk about the Animals

I highly recommend volunteering ... especially when you can talk to others about the animals at Auckland Zoo!