Latest news and articles:
Time Poor ... Passion Rich!
The Non Profit Satellite Accounts 2013 Report launched this month shows once again how vital volunteers are to our communities!
Matching People to Voluntary Opportunities
Is there a disconnect between what people want to volunteer for and what NGOs are offering as voluntary opportunities?
Are we "Just" Volunteers?
I'm just a volunteer! or ... I am a VOLUNTEER! Which culture do you have in your organisation or where you volunteer?
Boost Engagement on your Volunteering Platform
Great ideas on how to get your staff to be involved in volunteering ...
Migrants and their choice in Volunteering
Migrants are continuing to see that volunteering has a place in their busy lives ... an analytical comparison between 2012 and 2015.
Volunteering in Auckland
Documentary showcasing volunteers telling their own stories.
It's the Little things that Count!
Today marks Microvolunteering Day where even a brief amount of time and effort can make a difference!
Could a Robot do the job of a Manager of volunteers?
Managers of volunteers are often frustrated that their role isn’t understood ...
Placing Youth in a Volunteer Framework
Young people want to volunteer … we need to ensure we have the opportunities where they can contribute! Research on the enablers and barriers to young...
Celebrating Success - Volunteering Auckland 25 years old
Volunteering Auckland - celebrating 25 years of supporting and promoting volunteering in Auckland.