Giving to the retired community

31 Oct 2017 | Volunteer Stories

Lina volunteers for the Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust and works one-on-one with the retired community, teaching them about computers and the internet.

Why did you decide to volunteer?
I have spare time while my daughter goes to day care, and I wanted to do something for the community. It's also a great opportunity to meet new people.

Why did you choose this particular organisation?
Initially I chose the Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust because they offered a role suitable for my skills. Since then I've found out what an amazing job they are doing for the community and the environment, it's very inspiring.

What is it you really enjoy about your role and volunteering?
It's simple but makes a big difference to their social life as they can engage with family and friends through technology.

See all volunteering opportunities with the Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust

Volunteer Stories

Getting to "Hands On" at the Zoo

A friend suggested I volunteer ... now I am getting experience and confidence. It is varied and definitely stops me staying at home all weekend.