Protecting our native wildlife

17 Oct 2017 | Volunteer Stories

Three years ago I was looking for a way to do something for our native wildlife. I love tramping in the wilds but live in the middle of Auckland and have work and family commitments so was looking for something city based. I searched online for conservation opportunities and Conservation Volunteers NZ was the first hit.

Their "Bring Back Birds to Auckland Parks programme" really appealed to me. I contacted them and was invited to a training session, and have been checking rat traps every since!

On the days when the weather is not so good and I’d really rather stay home it gets me out and about. When I clear a rat from a trap that’s one fewer set of teeth that can kill a baby bird.

Also, I have made contact with some truly committed, lovely people. The staff at Conservation Volunteers and the Council are very supportive and appreciative of their volunteers. I have also met fellow trappers by email and at the delicious picnics that are organised for us volunteers by Conservation Volunteers and the Council. There we can compare notes and encourage each other.

I started working to help the birds, and the wonderful people I work with keep me going. I have found volunteering with Conservation Volunteers very rewarding.

See all volunteering opportunities with Conservation Volunteers

Volunteer Stories

Plain Sailing

The aim of Sailability is to provide those with a disability a safe environment to experience adventure and freedom.