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COVID-19: Volunteering during Level 2.5
COVID-19 Alert Level 2.5: Volunteering safely - Information for volunteers and volunteer involving organisations
COVID-19: Engaging Volunteering - Level 3
Are you a volunteer involving organisation? Do you have or need volunteers to support your services during COVID-19? This article is for you
A Dose of Kiwi Kindness
EHARA TAKU TOA I TE TOA TAKITAHI ENGARI HE TOA TAKIMANO My strength is not that of an indivudual, but that of the collective
Lockdown Hero - Tyrone Raumati
Lockdown was a difficult time for those who lost loved ones. Tyrone Raumati's aroha for his people meant going beyond what was required
Lockdown Heroes - Fran and Tracy
While many of us rediscovered the joy of cooking during the lockdown, few took their foodie passions as far as Fran Waishing and Tracy Hickford
Lockdown Hero - Brigitte Sistig
Many local communities came together to support each other during Lockdown. Brigitte Sistig from GreyLynn2030 coordinated neighbourhood communications
Feeding Bellies not Bins at Everybody Eats
Individually, it would be harder, but as a collective there are a lot of us, we can deliver something really worthwhile for our community. Wise words...
Thank you Volunteers - Phil Goff
Phil Goff thanks volunteers for Covid-19 response during National Volunteering Week 2020
Lockdown Heroes - Mentors for Youth
Everyone need someone to talk to. Everyone needs someone who cares, Mentors kept on connecting during Lockdown - it helped!
Lockdown Hero - Steven Price
Many rural communities came together to support each other during Lockdown. Steven Price from Laingholm created a hub of support