Fix Up, Look Sharp

24 May 2022 | Articles

The adage ‘look good, feel good’ couldn’t be truer at Fix Up, Look Sharp, a not-for-profit registered charity that gives Auckland male identified tāngata a fresh perspective through a personal styling experience. Clients receive a free styling appointment and a set of ‘get ahead’ clothing, which prepares and empowers them for an interview, important meeting, or life event. The charity helps to ease the emotional stress of what is suitable to wear, and the financial stress on sourcing suitable clothes.

Fix Up, Look Sharp director and founder Jane Treseder, who has a wealth of experience in high fashion, says that while there are charities for women in this arena, men have largely been left out.

“For women, there’s already a dedicated service, but there were no dedicated services for guys to help them with getting free clothes for important interviews and meetings."

"Having someone there to help you find something that's relevant for the job and looks good builds confidence and relieves some stress.”

Treseder said that men don’t tend to ask for help, and that a majority of referrals are from social service organisations. She also has experience in employment services and is a registered social worker, a background that allows her to assist men with their job hunt and provide them with care, advice, and support.

“I’m able to ask the right questions about where they are on their journey with their job seeking and hopefully motivate them to keep going.”

It’s not just Jane rolling up her sleeves either. She works with a host of volunteer workers, some provided by Volunteering Auckland, who aid her in sorting donated clothing and administrative work, as well as a volunteer styling assistant for larger groups. These volunteers can gain a range of skills from learning about men’s sizing charts, fabrics and brands, to customer service and organisational skills.

Check our website for opportunities where you can help!

Written by James Ball, AUT, Journalism Student 2022

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