All Volunteer Roles:
NCEA levels 2 & 3 Biology mentor
lev 2:adaptation of plants or animals, life processes at the cellular level, genetic variation & change lev 3: responses of plants and animals to their external environments, trends in human evolution, human manipulations of genetic transfer
NCEA level 2 & 3 Chemistry mentor
lev 2: chemical processes, oxidation-reductions processes, organic compounds, bonding structure and energy changes lev 3: thermochemistry and properties of particles & substances, organic compounds, spectroscopic data in Chemistry
NCEA levels 1. 2 & 3 Science mentor
Lev 1: nature of Science within the living material and physical worlds Lev 2: plant or animal adaptations, earth & space science investigation, geological processes in a NZ locality Lev 3: chemical processes, astronomy,
NCEA Level 3 Calculus & Statistics
Calculus: complex numbers, differentiation, integration, trigonometry. Statistics: bivariate data, inference, statistical reports, probability concepts, probability distributions
NCEA level 1 & 2 Maths mentor, and NCEA level 2 Maths towards Statistics and Calculus mentor
Lev 1: statistical investigations, mathematical methods, and mathematical reasoning. Lev 2: coordinate geometry, graphical methods, trigonometry, networks, simulations, and probability, algebra,
NCEA English levels 1 - 3 mentor
Language & Literature, Stories, Stories of Aotearoa N, and Communication. Comprehending and creating texts, critical analysis, reading for pleasure, and connecting through storytelling
NCEA English levels 1 - 3 mentor
Language & Literature, Stories, Stories of Aotearoa N, and Communication. Comprehending and creating texts, critical analysis, reading for pleasure, and connecting through storytelling
Year 9 & 10 Science mentor
to provide the knowledge and skills base needed to study NCEA level 1 Science or Geography. Main areas of study - water quality, genetics, NZ Geology, Body systems, climate change, motion and forces, unique NZ
Year 9 & 10 Maths mentor
Number & Algebra, Geometry and Measurement. Understand addition and subtraction of fractions, decimals, and integers. Find Fractions, Decimals, and percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers, simple fractions and decimals.
Year 9 & 10
Year 9 & 10 English