All Volunteer Roles:

Youth leaders - Unit Leaders - Glenfield Auckland - Pippins- Brownies- Rangers

Are you interested in providing Girls and Young Women opportunities to build resilience, confidence, and a strong sense of identity? We are looking for someone with a bit of oomph’, a creative mind, and a willingness to develop their skills and experience

Mentors for Youth/Children of Prisoners

Want to make a difference in a young person’s life? All while kicking a ball around, cracking jokes, and providing young people with quality time, experiences, and opportunities outside of their horizons. Become a mentor for children of people in prison!

ESOL Tutor

An ESOL tutor is needed to teach English, at our Safari Playgroup [Lynfield], to playgroup Mums from refugee and migrant backgrounds while their children attend the playgroup.

ESOL English teacher

An ESOL tutor is needed [Manurewa], at our Safari Multicultural playgroup, to teach English to playgroup Mums from refugee and migrant backgrounds while their children attend the playgroup.

Multicultural Playgroup Volunteer

We support former refugees and migrants to settle into their new lives in New Zealand. We are looking for volunteer who can help the playgroups

Red Cross Disaster Welfare Support Volunteer

Our Disaster Welfare Support Team DWST trains weekly on Wednesdays from 7 to 9pm in Wiri in South Auckland near the airport and responds when activated across the wider Auckland region and nationwide. Support your community before and during an emergency.

Youth Leaders Required across East Auckland

Are you interested in providing girls and young women opportunities to build resilience, confidence, and a strong sense of identity? We require volunteers to help lead across East Auckland.

Youth Leaders Required across West Auckland

Are you interested in providing girls and young women opportunities to build resilience, confidence, and a strong sense of identity? We require volunteers to help lead across West Auckland

Youth Leaders Required across the North Shore

Are you interested in providing girls and young women opportunities to build resilience, confidence, and a strong sense of identity? We require volunteers to help lead across the North Shore.

Youth Leaders Required for the Hibiscus Coast

Are you interested in providing girls and young women opportunities to build resilience, confidence, and a strong sense of identity? We require volunteers to help lead in Whangaparoa, Orewa and Stanmore Bay.

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