Conservation Volunteer Roles:
Nursery Work Support
Nursery work includes pricking out seedlings from seed trays into tubes and into planter bags, moving plants around the nursery as they transition from newly pricked out seedlings to mature ready-to-plant saplings.
Weed Control
Controlling pest plants or weed is a very important part of the conservation project on Motutapu. We control a number of weeds but the main target is moth plant, an insidious vine that slowly strangles the native trees it attacks.
Resource, Recovery and Recycling
Become a waste guru by sorting materials for reuse and recycling and keeping them out of landfill. Max 6 volunteers
Love your stream days
Learn about stream restoration and monitoring with our stream rangers.
Hunua Ranges Kokako Recovery Project
Volunteers are needed to help bring pest numbers down so that the rare and beautiful bird, the North...