Logo for Conservation Volunteers NZ Conservation Volunteers NZ

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/CVNZAuckland
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cvnz_auckland/
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/1634302/admin/

We believe in a healthy and sustainable environment, and engage groups of volunteers in projects that protect or enhance our environment and heritage.


Available Roles:

Conservation Conversation: The Restoration of an Urban Freshwater Gem

Conservation Volunteers NZ
Conservation | Working Hours | Mount Albert
14 April 2025

A seminar covering various conservation topics that are interesting around Auckland. We invite guest speakers who has been working in the conservation field around New Zealand, coming to share their experience among us.

Creek Restoration at Stoddard Road

Planting, Mulching and Plant Releasing with Friends of Oakley Creek

Ōwairaka Orchard Maintenance

Conservation Volunteers NZ
Conservation | Working Hours | Mount Albert
16 April 2025

Community Garden Maintenance - He ngaki tōtō / Weeding

Conservation Conversation: Predator Free 2050: Aotearoa's fight for our future

A seminar covering various conservation topics that are interesting around Auckland. We invite guest speakers who has been working in the conservation field around New Zealand, coming to share their experience among us.

Community Volunteer Day at Lynfield Reserve

Plant maintenance with Friends of Wairaki Stream

♻️Team Up 2 Clean Up🌳

Fun street clean around reserves and learning about the native plants in our neighborhood.

Connecting People With Parks - Events list for 2025

Join us for a day to care for our local parks, connect with others and help bring biodiversity back to central Auckland!

Ātiu Creek Nursery Overnighter

Help us raise native plant seedlings so they will be ready to plant next winter at Ātiu Creek.

Papakura Stream Restoration Project 'Tree Rescue'

Join us for a day of volunteering and give our newly planted native trees along the Papakura Stream a helping hand by releasing them from strangling weeds

Ātiu Creek Weed Busting Overnighters

Help us combat pest plants and save our recently planted native plants from being smothered by weeds.

Predator Control Programme

Become a volunteer trapper as part of our Predator Control Programme and help our native fauna and flora flourish!

Volunteer Stories

Giving back to the community

After retiring and enjoying many years of family life, we both decided to try and put something back into the community.

Volunteer newsletter

Keep up to date on the latest roles and events:

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