Latest news and articles:
Changing Face of Volunteering - An Exhibition
Volunteering Auckland would like to invite you to view an exhibition of photos and stories that celebrate the diversity of volunteers.
Let's Talk
National Volunteer Week 2014 has passed .. and it was great to see volunteering in the spot light!
Mixed Messages
Being able to "tell our stories" about volunteering is an interesting topic.
EV Programme
Through our Employee Volunteering Programme we have more than doubled volunteer placements compared with last year.
Power of Story
Moya Sayer-Jones is one of Australia’s leading experts on story but she has a rather strange job title: she’s a Story Activist. In June 2014, Voluntee...
Let's Talk
Summer is drawing to a close .. days are becoming shorter. Nights are getting cooler. Is it time to curl up with a good book? No ... too much is happe...
2014 Training Workshops
Are you responsible for recruiting, coordinating, supervising and managing teams of volunteers? Then this is for you. The 2014 calendar of profession...
Too many Volunteers?
Volunteering Auckland has a new registrations process for people to register their interest as volunteers. And it's working! Our registrations have in...
Let's Talk
Welcome to 2014! We hope you were able to relax and enjoy time with your whanau and friends over the holiday season. We have been back a while but ful...
Power of Stories
Moya Sayer-Jones is one of Australia’s leading experts on story but she has a rather strange job title: she’s a Story Activist. In February, Volunteer...