Launch of new EV volunteering platform

14 Jun 2017 | Articles

We are excited to launch our Corporate team opportunities on a public platform. This will mean you can easily browse the list and discuss with your team which is the best opportunity depending on the size of your team and the type of volunteering you are interested in. If your company is a member of VA's EV Programme you will also be able to access the full functionality of the site, including project planning and reporting.

We have also been working on some updates to our Teams pages on our website to include information about Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Engagement to assist in your thinking around your CSR initiatives and corporate volunteering, as well as some tips on how to encourage staff to get involved in these initiatives.

It's great to see so much work being done in the community by corporate teams volunteering their time and skills. If you would like to find out more about our EV membership programme, feel free to contact us to discuss this further.

Volunteer Stories

Helping others overcome obstacles

I've watched the members not only smile and grow but overcome some of the most difficult obstacles.