Logo for North Harbour Budgeting Services Inc. North Harbour Budgeting Services Inc.

• Assist clients to develop basic financial skills through education
• Provide support and advocacy for clients
• Help negotiate with creditors, if needed
• Offer ongoing financial mentoring with the aim of assisting clients
to become more self-reliant
• Educate through seminars and workshops in schools, workplaces,
tertiary institutions, community organisations and other agencies
Paid Staff: 1 full time and 2 part-time
Volunteers: 7-10


Available Roles:

Funding/Grant Procurement Officer

We are looking for somebody to handle fundraising applications for a Not for Profit organisation in corordination with the General Manager and Accounts Persons.

Financial Mentors/Budget Advisers

North Harbour Budgeting Services is currently looking to recruit Financial Mentors.

Volunteer Stories

Being confident in my abilities

Sanoja Lokuliyanage is twenty-two years old and in her final year at AUT. She is studying a Bachelor of Communication, majoring in Advertising Creativ...

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