Companionship Volunteer Roles:

Care Home Companionship Volunteer- Beachlands

We hope to reduce loneliness and improve wellbeing of residents in care homes through fostering lasting connections between volunteers and residents.

Travel Companion in Central Auckland

We are seeking a volunteer to assist a Blind Low Vision NZ member with travel to the Deaf Wellbeing Society.

Peer Support

We are seeking a compassionate volunteer to provide monthly companionship for a member traveling to their support group.

Companionship, Activities, and Outings

Join us as a rest home volunteer! Share your time and compassion with our residents, assisting with activities and providing companionship. Make a meaningful impact in their lives while gaining rewarding experiences. Help us create a warm community!

Social Connections Volunteer Visitor

Are you interested in providing companionship to an isolated and lonely older person? Would you like to become a friend with an older adult in your area? Our Visiting Program matches volunteer visitors with an older person in need of companionship.

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