Video production editor

The initial help we are looking for is in post-production of our videos. We are looking for people who preferably have their own editing suite and have experience in video editing. Our vice-president has been doing the videoing and video editing and is now looking for some help.

The initial edit involves top and tailing of clips, quick-cut review about subject, sound edit noise, titling and deletion of unnecessary footage.
Most event recordings are one to one and a half hours long and a rough time estimate to edit this footage is 3 times of all footage.

This is then sent to the speaker or host to review and ask for a time-log edit schedule for parts they want changed or removed. The title often needs to be changed and slides added, for example. A following re-edit can require tightening up shot, reverse-edit out of deletions and changes, the edit of additions and title change.

Other steps can include the rendering and download and posting to YouTube, posting to our Facebook page and onto the web-page of Soil & Health NZ.
It can involve some making of smaller clips for Facebook and the long versions for archiving on the Webpage.

We are looking for several editors to work together to put out a product that champions organics in NZ and make us the ‘Go-To’ organisation for information.
In the future we hope to have a greater on-line presence.


A person with good skills in the editing of videos and an interest in organic gardening and talking with or meeting people in this field would be ideal.

Time commitment:

It is envisaged that up to about 10 hours per week could be easily utilised, but this can be negotiable. It is envisaged that additional editors may be required to meet the envisaged needs. The possibility of improving the process or making use of additional equipment / technology will be considered.

Getting started:
The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.

Ref: 5729

Apply for this role:

Address: *

Demographic information: (Helps us get funding):

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