Transformative Volunteering

31 Aug 2016 | Articles

Chris Jarvis from Realized Worth in the US is always worth following in relation to corporate volunteering ideas and this is an interesting article on the benefits of 'Transformative volunteering', as compared to 'Transactional volunteering' for employees.

Transformative volunteering not only changes the volunteer's perspective and empathy, but leads to improved job performance, commitment and leadership qualities, which has to be a real positive for the company/employer.

As part of our Employee Volunteering Programme, we often receive feedback from staff after volunteering to say the experience has changed their worldview or perspective which supports this idea.

Contact us at Volunteering Auckland if you would like to find out more about our EV programme or corporate volunteering.

Volunteer Stories

Passionate about young people

It felt good to know that I was helping make a difference for young people. One word at a time, one dollar at a time.