Amazing event helps launch multiple non-profit projects

13 Dec 2023 | Articles

PMDOS event 2023

We’re still buzzing about an amazing new event we launched in November – the Project Management Day of Service (aka PMDOS). It’s a collaboration between Volunteering Auckland and the Project Management Institute of NZ.

We offered our non-profit members the opportunity to have a FREE day of workshops and one-one-one guidance from project management experts, who could help them turn projects they’d dreamed about into successful realities. Project managers donated their skills, time, and expertise.

Fifteen non-profits quickly snapped up the available places at the event. Each submitted 1-2 project ideas in advance, and the Institute selected the projects they could add the best value to, and carefully matched experienced project managers to the selected projects.

The project managers had an initial network meeting and discussion with the organisations, which gave both the opportunity to better understand the desired initiative and form a working relationship. This also gave the project managers an opportunity to explore each non-profit’s challenges and desires, and do some prepartory work for the one day event.

Then came the full-day event, where participants and project managers enjoyed a lively day of discussions, planning (and some great food!).

The project managers got a chance to better understand not-for-profits causes and the impact that they make while they volunteered their expertise and gave back to those organisations that support our community – often with minimal resources.

They skilfully guided each organisation’s project plans, and each organisation came away with milestones (road map), timelines, firm plans, and a great many new skills.

There was a lively and positive atmosphere throughout the day– with a palpable buzz around the room. Participants were engaged and inspired – and the day culminated in presentations by partipants.

The organisations were very positive about the value of the experience and some revised their plans from their initial proposal. The experience was very useful and timely to the current challenges facing not-for-profits, including shrinking resources.

Our ennormous thanks and gratitude to the Project Management Institute of NZ, and to the project managers who generously volunteered their time and shared their expertise with our members, helping them with projects that will bring so many benefits throughout our community.

The groups that took part were unanimous in their praise for the event.

‘Thank you so much for including us, we 100% would recommend to others to be involved in future events. These opportunities make such a different to small charities, and people in roles who are trying to be a jack of all trades.’
Big Brother, Big Sister (Chelsey Harnell)

‘Abraham Lincoln once said: "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Planning is so important. We were inspired by our mentors Nicola, Amanda, and Alvaro. We learned so much from them, and the questions they asked helped us get our thoughts organised. And a day away from my desk didn't do me any harm at all!
Jacqui Knight (Moths & Butterflies).

We won’t spill the beans on each organisation’s projects, as they’re all still ‘under wraps’ – but we’re looking forward to telling you more about them as they come to fruition.

By Rachael Bro, Outreach co-ordinator, Volunteering Auckland

Volunteer Stories

Work-life balance

It was a big help for people who really needed it. Small things can be very significant to people in their moment of need.