Neighbourhood Power

4 May 2013 | Articles

Participatory democracy and the power of the people in neighbourhood-led change has been Jim Diers' preoccupation and his career for the past 30 years. In his work with grassroots community organisations, Jim has found ways to get people more involved with their communities and with decisions that affect their lives.

Volunteering Auckland had the pleasure and privilege of hearing Jim speak about community-led development and his passion for the volunteering that happens in this space last month. He stated that the 'road back to community' starts with the people reconnecting to their community.

Volunteering is vital to this process of making positive change in our communities both socially and for the environment. As an organisation that engages with volunteers you have a role to play in an active, engaged community through volunteering.

To read about Jim's work check here

Volunteer Stories

Let's Talk about the Animals

I highly recommend volunteering ... especially when you can talk to others about the animals at Auckland Zoo!