National Volunteer Week 2013 - Te Wiki Tūao a Motu

19 May 2013 | Articles

National Volunteer Week (NVW) (previously known as Volunteer Awareness Week) is celebrated annually. Events and celebrations are held across New Zealand to recognise the invaluable contribution made by volunteers. The theme for NVW 2013 is:

“He tāngata, He tāngata, He tāngata!”

Translated as “It is people, it is people, it is people!” the theme has been chosen to acknowledge and remind us that volunteering is all about people. It’s unique also as it’s a truly Aotearoa New Zealand response and strong.

NVW 2013 is New Zealand’s largest celebration of volunteering and civic participation. Volunteerism delivers significant contributions to our global society, enriching both the lives of volunteers and the life force of organisations. Volunteerism is run by the people for the people. Volunteers bring diversity, personality, history and experiences to their role. Volunteers offer connections within their community and their whānau; everyone navigates from within a network. A volunteer lends their time, resources and skills.

The Community and Voluntary Sector is a powerful social network bringing people together to develop strong communities and an active citizenship. Every day volunteers contribute to New Zealand society in the arts, health care, victim support, conservation, sport, education, social services and pro-bono work; spreading good through a diverse network of people. By celebrating the people involved in volunteering we are acknowledging the efforts of a vast humming web of connections, opportunities and community spirit.

“He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata”
What is the most important thing in this world? It is people, it is people, it is people.

Volunteer Stories

A weekly highlight

As a newbie to the big city I decided to look for some new experiences to get better acquainted with my community.