Learning Opportunities 2019

12 Dec 2018 | Articles

The schedule for 2019 is currently being finalised

We will be offering a selection of workshops and LoVE Forums based on the following topics. If there is anything of particular interest to you, please contact Cheryll Martin

Valuing Volunteering: Moving Beyond an Economic Framework
Measuring the economic value of volunteer activity is one approach NGOs can use to assess "volunteer value" however there is more to valuing volunteering than just the economics of numbers and hours.  Involving volunteers in your organisation with a strategic, thoughtful approach, is valuing volunteering, as is ensuring that volunteers have a worthwhile experience with a well-run Volunteer Engagement Strategy. Valuing Volunteering is about acknowledging and reporting on the impact that comes from involving volunteers within your services, programmes, activities, and governance or committees. This session look at valuing volunteering, why and how … and through this session we hope you will see the benefits for your organisation, your clients and ultimately in achieving your mission!

Strategic Engagement of Volunteers
Getting volunteers involved in your organisation takes care and attention. Involving volunteers in your organisation should take as much thought and planning as does sourcing the money and employing the staff. From strategic planning to developing your business plans, identifying the opportunities, writing up the roles and making the match - this thought-provoking session will take you through what Volunteering Auckland has learnt over the last twenty plus years in volunteer engagement.

Getting Started: Developing your Volunteer Involving Programme
Volunteers are an extremely valuable resource. The role of the volunteer is to supplement and enhance the services offered by an organisation; they often deliver the services offered by groups and programmes developed on the ground at community level. Sometimes they will work along side paid staff ... Most times they will work alongside other volunteers. In all cases, volunteers give of their time and talents freely. They are looking for a chance to contribute, to grow, to be challenged, to gain experiences and many other reasons. In all cases, it is our responsibility to ensure that volunteers are engaged in the right role, at the right time .. To ensure a win-win experience for both parties – the Volunteer and the place or cause within which they volunteer! This session will be about “GETTING STARTED … “ … an overview of the PROCESS in developing your volunteer-involving programme.

Getting Started: Laying the groundwork for effective Volunteer Involvement;
A policy can be defined as a governing principle, a framework for carrying out work, or a definition of what is required to achieve a goal. They define a boundary within which things are acceptable. They also clarify roles, relationships and responsibilities and they can serve as a basis for procedures and decision-making. They also clarify expectations and the direction of your organisation. For this reason they are a also very important tool for risk management within your volunteer programme. In this way Polices and procedures provide the structure for the sound management of your volunteer-involving programme. This session will be about “GETTING STARTED … “ … an overview of the PROCESS in developing policies for your volunteer-involving programme.

We can also offer learning opportunities, as workshops or LoVE Forums, on the following:

  • Dealing with HR “Difficulties”: When Change is Necessary - Effective Change Management
  • Governance & Management: Roles and Responsibilities
  • Motivation and Recognition for Retention
  • Needs Analysis and Job Design for Volunteer Programmes
  • OSH and Volunteers: Obligations and Expectations
  • Risk Management: Processes and Practices for Volunteer Programmes
  • Recruitment Planning
  • Screening and Selection
  • Staff Commitment to Volunteers
  • Succession Planning
  • Volunteer Management: The Basics of what you need to be aware of – very good for reviewing your programme or if you are looking at setting up a Volunteer Involving Programme
  • Volunteers: Who are they? What do they want?

Volunteer Stories

Engaging children with reading

I was looking for something interesting and rewarding to do with my time during a gap between paid jobs.