Employees serving our Communities

22 Feb 2016 | Articles

Volunteering Auckland facilitates one-day community project matches with corporate staff as part of their Employee Volunteeering Programme. Here's our Febuary 2016 update ...

Corporate volunteer teams continue to contribute to fulfilling the mission and goals of many of our community group members. A group of 20 interns from Ernst & Young had a great time at the North Shore Hospice warehouse helping sort donated items and getting stock ready to display in their shops. As part of the internship programme, they learn the importance of serving their community through volunteering and the Hospice were very grateful of young, enthusiastic volunteers to get lots of jobs done.

Many corporate teams are gearing up for their volunteer days for the new year and requests for projects via our new online platform are coming in thick and fast. ANZ's national volunteer campaign, Paint NZ Blue, runs for 6 weeks in February and March, when thousands of staff will be carrying out great volunteer work in their local community.

Thank you to all our community organisations who work with us to provide great volunteering opportunities for corporate teams. If you have an idea for a one-day project you would like to consider launching this year, then please get in touch to discuss this further. We are always happy to discuss potential project opportunities or provide advice on how to identify projects. Contact us to discuss your community project opportunities.

Volunteer Stories

One Mum's Story

A chronically sick child in a family usually means a lot of hard work - and not a lot of spare time. But a sick child in Dianne Smith’s family meant s...