COVID-19: Volunteering during Level 3

28 Feb 2021 | Articles

Over the last ‘lock down’ periods volunteers came out in force, willing to offer their time and skills where help was needed, and Volunteering Auckland was inundated with applications of support.

Our city, Tāmaki makaurau Auckland, is now in Alert level 3 and once again we are expecing to have the luxury of having more volunteers available than voluntary roles available. This is the case both nationally and internationally. This means we may not be able to place you in a role immediately. Depending on the role we may need to do a reference check, or the role you want may not be available right now. However, rest assured as we move through the Alert Levels, and beyond, your ongoing support will be needed. We will be needing volunteers for a long while to come.

Can you still Volunteer? Definitely!

  • When applying for a role through our website ensure that you check with the listing community organisation if they have protocols in place regarding COVID-19.
  • If the role you have applied for is no longer available ask if there are other ways you can help; be mindful that we are all looking at how we can support each other with the social limitations we need to adhere to.
  • Please also check the Civil Defence Guidelines for Volunteers.

Examples of volunteering opportunities:

  • Online ‘virtual’ volunteering and roles that can be done from home.
  • Connecting via phone or other online tools with people who are self-isolating. Remember physical distancing does not mean social isolation.
  • Neighbourhood Pods - Show up for your neighbours; reach out to your neighbours, check in on what needs are arising in your neighbourhood, coordinate a neighbourhood group chat or phone tree, Facebook page and stay in touch.
  • Celebrate the positive work done by others, share a post of a positive story; and if you are unable to help you can offer encouragement.
  • The best way you can help is being mindful of the changing situation we are all in – be strong, be kind and wash your hands!

Community organisations need to abide by the Ministry of Health NfP guidlines to keep their clients, their staff and volunteers safe. This will also apply to ongoing roles involving volunteering in rest homes, close contact support/mentoring roles, or volunteering in an office environment where it is difficult to maintain the recommended safety distance. These roles may be on hold and the organisation unable to take on any volunteers for now.

General advice

  • Stay within your bubble – socialise within your bubble
  • Avoid close contact with people with cold or flu like illnesses
  • If you are unwell stay home, do not visit the elderly or people with compromised immune systems: use phone - text message - facetime - Google hangouts etc to stay in touch
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues. Wash hands often for at least 20 seconds (sing – or hum - ♫Happy Birthday♫ twice) with soap and dry them thoroughly
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Do not share food, drinks, or towels; do not sharing your baking with the neighbours
  • If you are unwell or need advice, contact the dedicated Health Line number: 0800 358 5453
  • If you, or someone in your home, have cold or flu-like symptoms please stay at home. If you have been in close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19 you are expected to self-isolate for 14 days from the date of the contact and/or positive confirmation.

Stay informed
For up to date information on keeping yourself and your whanau / family safe see the COVID19 Government website and Ministry of Health website.

Volunteer Stories

A weekly highlight

As a newbie to the big city I decided to look for some new experiences to get better acquainted with my community.