Chairperson`s Report 2010

13 Oct 2010 | Articles

Another year has fast come to an end and simultaneously presents me an opportunity to reflect on the great work that has been done and continues to go on within Volunteering Auckland.  It has been a pleasure to serve the board as chairperson for the past 3 years.  Much has happened during that time and I am happy to announce that Volunteering Auckland is continuing to develop and grow in leaps and bounds.

I wish to start by thanking our General Manager – Cheryll Martin - and each employee and volunteer who works in the office of VA for their hard work during the last 12 months.  It has been a year of increased service delivery and demand for Volunteering Auckland this year.  Not many people would be aware of the sacrifices that this has meant in the interests of the organisation.

After many months of preparation and seeking funds our new web page is coming along nicely, thank you to Cheryll, our GM, for taking the time to learn and understand how to implement parts of this so that the costs were kept to a minimum.  There are still more stages to come, however the work that has been done on it thus far is great.  Congratulations on all those involved!

I would like to thank all the board members and General Manager for their willingness to spend an evening together in developing a workable strategic plan for the coming years. We worked together well as a team sharing our views and ideas.  It would be very remiss of me if I didn’t thank our vice chair, Robert Limb, for making a room available in his offices for our evening, and for the supper that was so generously provided.

Each member of the board has special skills that are being accessed to review and continue to improve many areas of Volunteering Auckland.  I hope I can do a little justice in sharing some of these.

Robert Limb: Work with the marketing team and generously donated staff hours and studio time for the artwork for our new look.
Catherine Mitchell: Assistance with the Sylvia Park Christmas wrapping project, and sharing her area of expertise in HR Management.
Denis Orme: Has done an amazing job on reviewing our policies and application of his change management experience to planning.
Kate Ashcroft: Assists with staffing – structures and reviews – in particular the legal aspects related to employment.
Paul Hutchinson and Peter Yates: work on finance – we have come to rely on quality and speed of financial reporting to the board each month.
Pete Yates: continuing work on ensuring our IT equipment is well functioning.
Kit Howden:  work on submissions and education of the board about Auckland Super City development and the implications to volunteers and volunteering.

The successful implementation of our strategic plan depends on the co-operation of the entire team, to accomplish the mission of Volunteering Auckland which is  “Dedicated to positive change in the Community through the Support and Promotion of Volunteering” .  We have a wonderful team on the board and I am thankful for each of you for your dedication and support and sharing your expertise in helping VA become a great organisation.  I look forward to continue working with you all over the next 12 months.

I am extremely thankful also for the addition of our new board members, Denis Orme and Nick Scott, and am grateful for the way in which they have already supported and adapted to the ideas and vision of Volunteering Auckland.  We look forward to great things over the next year.

To all our affiliated member organisations, I once again express my sincere appreciation for your confidence in us.  Without you it would be impossible to continue the work we are doing.  Despite the many challenges we all face, in particular in decreased funding resources, we seek to foster an even better relationship with you in the future for volunteering.

Last but not least, all our partners, supporters and funders.  We trust that you will continue to support Volunteering Auckland to enhance the potential of this centre to contribute further to the growth of volunteering in our communities.

In closing, I leave you with the words of John Wesley:

Do all the good you can
By all the means you can
In all the ways you can
In all the places you can
At all the times you can
To all the people you can
As long as you can

God Bess you all

<strong>Dianne Denny

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