CanTeen Bandanna Challenge

NZ Lotteries Commission’s People and Support team gave their time recently to volunteer at the CanTeen packaging and distribution warehouse based in Onehunga. We are all familiar with the brilliant work, time and effort CanTeen do in their quest to support young people living with cancer.
CanTeen relies almost entirely on volunteer workers (like us), to get all the fundraising items sorted and packed ready for distribution. We went along initially to help out with packing bandannas but when we arrived they were still waiting for them to be delivered, so we joined a team of approximately 6 from ASB bank flattening out and boxing up their donation boxes. Our hands are testament to this, you would think that using a keyboard for the majority of the day would assist in keeping your fingers supple...just wait till you try folding boxes then packing and stacking the cartons. Those supple fingers become a battleground of little nicks here and there (who said paper cuts sting? Boy do those cardboard cuts burn!).
With Jo's humour and ideas on how the boxes could be folded (Origami anyone?) combined with Sheree's input and Talei's fabulous photography skills (no heads cut off this time), there were a few laughs shared.
The warehouse is huge and the amount of work that goes on in there, whether it be goods coming in or going out, makes you realise CanTeen need as much support as they can get to keep this worthy cause going.