Celebrating UN International Volunteer Day: Acknowledging the Power of Volunteering

17 Oct 2024 | Articles

YOung woman with dark hair holding as thank you sign to acknowledge volunteers. three people in the background with volunteer on white t shirts

Every year on 5 December, the world comes together to celebrate the United Nations International Volunteer Day (IVD).

This special day is dedicated to recognising and promoting the invaluable contributions of volunteers around the globe – and now is the time to look ahead and consider how you will acknowledge and thank the volunteers who support the work your organisation does.

International Volunteer Day provides an opportunity for you to show your appreciation of the efforts of individuals who dedicate their time, skills, and resources to help others and improve communities. It also serves as a platform to highlight the importance of volunteerism in achieving sustainable development and fostering solidarity.

What is International Volunteer Day?

International Volunteer Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985, with the aim of acknowledging the efforts of volunteers and encouraging more people to get involved in voluntary work. The day is observed worldwide, with various activities, events, and campaigns organised by governments, non-governmental organisations, community groups, and volunteers themselves. Each year, the United Nations sets a theme for International Volunteer Day, focusing on different aspects of volunteerism and its impact on society. Themes have ranged from promoting inclusion and diversity to addressing climate change and advancing sustainable development goals.

The overarching goal of International Volunteer Day is to promote volunteerism at all levels and to encourage people, regardless of age, background, or skill set, to contribute to their communities and beyond. It is a day to celebrate the selfless acts of volunteers, who often work behind the scenes to bring about positive change, and to inspire others to join this global movement of giving and solidarity.

Why Should We Acknowledge International Volunteer Day?

  1. Recognising the Contributions of Volunteers:

    Volunteers play a critical role in addressing societal challenges and supporting communities in need. From providing disaster relief and healthcare services to supporting education and environmental conservation, volunteers contribute to a wide range of sectors. By acknowledging International Volunteer Day, we can recognise and appreciate the efforts of millions of volunteers who work tirelessly to make a difference. This recognition not only honours their contributions but also motivates them to continue their work.

  2. Raising Awareness About the Importance of Volunteerism:

    International Volunteer Day serves as a powerful platform to raise awareness about the importance of volunteerism. It highlights how voluntary work can address social issues, bridge gaps in service delivery, and support vulnerable populations. By showcasing the impact of volunteerism, we can inspire more people to get involved and contribute their time and skills to causes they care about. Raising awareness also helps to build a culture of volunteerism, where helping others becomes a valued and integral part of society.

  3. Encouraging More People to Volunteer:

    One of the key objectives of International Volunteer Day is to encourage more people to engage in volunteer work. By highlighting the benefits of volunteering, such as personal growth, skill development, and social connections, we can inspire individuals to take action and contribute to their communities. Volunteering provides opportunities for people to make a positive impact, learn new things, and build a sense of belonging and purpose. Encouraging volunteerism can lead to a more engaged and compassionate society, where people are motivated to help one another and work towards the common good.

  4. Supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

    Volunteerism is closely linked to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Volunteers play a crucial role in advancing the SDGs, from promoting health and education to protecting the environment and fostering peace and justice. By recognising International Volunteer Day, we acknowledge the contributions of volunteers to sustainable development and emphasise the importance of voluntary action in creating a better world. Supporting volunteerism can accelerate progress towards the SDGs and help build resilient, inclusive, and sustainable communities.

Why Should Volunteer-Involving Community Organisations Recognise This Day?

  1. Appreciating and Motivating Volunteers:

    For volunteer-involving community organisations, International Volunteer Day is an ideal opportunity to show appreciation for their volunteers. Recognising volunteers’ efforts and celebrating their achievements can boost morale, increase satisfaction, and strengthen their commitment to the organisation. Appreciation can take many forms, from organising volunteer appreciation events and awarding certificates of recognition to sharing thank-you messages and highlighting volunteers’ stories on social media. When volunteers feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to remain engaged and continue contributing their time and skills.

  2. Promoting the Organisation’s Mission and Impact:

    International Volunteer Day provides a platform for community organisations to showcase their work and the impact of their volunteers. By participating in events and campaigns, organisations can raise awareness about their mission, attract new volunteers, and build partnerships with other organisations and stakeholders. Sharing success stories, impact reports, and volunteer testimonials can demonstrate the positive outcomes of volunteer efforts and inspire others to get involved. Promoting the organisation’s impact not only enhances its reputation but also helps to attract support and resources for its programmes and initiatives.

  3. Encouraging a Culture of Volunteerism:

    By recognising International Volunteer Day, community organisations can play a key role in fostering a culture of volunteerism. Celebrating the day can encourage staff, members, and the wider community to embrace volunteerism as a way of life. Organisations can use the day to promote volunteer opportunities, engage with local communities, and encourage people to volunteer for causes they care about. Building a culture of volunteerism can lead to increased community engagement, stronger social bonds, and a more supportive and caring society.

  4. Advocating for Volunteer Support and Resources:

    International Volunteer Day also serves as an opportunity for community organisations to advocate for greater support and resources for volunteer programmes. Highlighting the challenges and needs of volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations can help to raise awareness among policymakers, funders, and the public. Advocating for volunteer support can lead to improved policies, increased funding, and better infrastructure for volunteer programmes, ensuring that volunteers have the tools and resources they need to succeed.


International Volunteer Day on 5 December is a significant occasion to celebrate the power of volunteerism and the contributions of volunteers worldwide. Acknowledging this day allows us to recognise the efforts of volunteers, raise awareness about the importance of volunteerism, and encourage more people to get involved.

For volunteer-involving community organisations, recognising International Volunteer Day is an opportunity to appreciate their volunteers, promote their mission, foster a culture of volunteerism, and advocate for greater support. By celebrating this day, we can build a more engaged, compassionate, and resilient society, where everyone has the opportunity to make a difference. What will you do on December 5 to acknowledge your volunteers?

Volunteer Stories

Engaging children with reading

I was looking for something interesting and rewarding to do with my time during a gap between paid jobs.