Legislation and Volunteers: What's the Truth?

12 Sep 2019 10:00am to 12:00pm

Legislation and Volunteers: What's the Truth?

Government legislation has the potential to create barriers to volunteering. Sometimes in reality ... sometime through lack of information ... sometimes through rumour ... sometimes through fear of 'what if'.

The Health & Safety Act and the Vulnerable Children's Act are two pieces of legislation that we are seeing do this. We are hearing NGOs say that it is easier to exclude people from volunteering 'just in case' something may happen. Also seeing NGOs excluding young people from volunteering 'just in case' something happens, and they are 'too young'. Yes, there will be legitimate reasons why, as an organisation, you decide that it is in the best interests of your clients, your services and your reputation that you exclude people from volunteering - but maybe you dont have to.

We want to help you with this, to overcome obstacles and answer general questions you may have. We encourage you to make the most of this opportunity.

Fletcher Pilditch has over 20 years of legal experience as a prosecutor and now as lawyer acting for clients facing diverse enforcement proceedings initiated by the Government. He conducts regulatory/criminal and public law litigation at all levels and is also a Convenor of the Auckland District Law Society Health and Safety at Work Committee.

Fletcher will lead a discussion to debunk the myths and break down the legislative barriers to volunteering.

Venue: Senior Citizens Hall, Mt Albert [off Wairere Ave, Mt Albert War Memorial Rerserve]

Morning Tea provided

Registration closed

Volunteer Stories


The healing power of play

'The simplicity of play affects the child, their family and me as a volunteer. I always leave with a smile on my face too.' - Daniel Jiminez