Time Poor ... Passion Rich!

7 Jul 2016 | Articles

The Non Profit Satellite Accounts 2013 Report, only the second time in history that this data has been collected, shows that the NGO sector has grown from 97,000 community / voluntary organisations in 2004 to over 114,000 in 2013.   Paid roles within the sector have increased by 30% to 137,000 FTEs and the sector contributed over $9.4billion to the GDP including volunteer input, an increase of 38%.  The Community Voluntary Sector is larger than the Service Industry, Mining, Tourism, Fishing and Agriculture!

The report also shows that there has been a 20% increase in the number of people volunteering however there has also been a 42% decrease in the FTE equivalent hours being donated.  With numbers of volunteers increasing but the individual's hours being contributed decreasing, NfPs will need to review their volunteer involving programmes in particular in the opportunities they are offering and the time commitments required. Flexible and innovative ways to allow people to volunteer will need to be forefront in future volunteering acitivity ... 'Time Poor but Passion Rich'.

The report showed that our NGO Community Voluntary sector is large and unique and shows that volunteering is a vital part of our communities.

Volunteer Stories

One Mum's Story

A chronically sick child in a family usually means a lot of hard work - and not a lot of spare time. But a sick child in Dianne Smith’s family meant s...