Power of Story

27 Apr 2014 | Workshops

Moya Sayer-Jones is one of Australia’s leading experts on story but she has a rather strange job title: she’s a Story Activist.

In June 2014, Volunteering Auckland has, once again, partnered with Unitec and invited Moya to ‘activate’ story possibilities in our own organisations via a 4 hour workshop called "The Power of Story". This is an inspirational (February was sold-out) workshop focussed on how to use our stories to win hearts, change minds, build reputation and strengthen connections in communities.

Moya works mainly with NFP’s and government organisations and like any good story activist should be, she’s passionate about making the most of the stories that we hear and make every day. (Watch out: she’ll try to make you into a SA too!)

Check the Power of Story event listing for details and to register.

Volunteer Stories

Protecting our native wildlife

I started working to help the birds, and the wonderful people I work with keep me going.