Magic Moments
In December VA staff were invited by one of our long time member organisations for an end of year catch up and coffee. It was a welcome break at a busy time!! While there we discussed the organisation's work and client needs, voluntee rtraining programme and future endeavours. All this was discussed in relation to the services that VA provides and where we could assist.
It was a delight to hear the coordinator speak with respect and care for their clients and families, the respect she had for the organisation's volunteers and staff and obvious love she had for her work. It was an inspiring experience and a visit we will long remember. Would you like us to visit with your organisation to discuss your volunteer programme? Contact us
We also celebrated International Volunteer Day and end of year. Both events were received with enthusiasm and a particularly good turn-out for the latter. Food was shared, presents exchanged and Certificates of Appreciation handed out to our team. These are simple but effective ways to recognise and acknowledge the time/work gifted by volunteers – the effects very visible in smiles and laughter and a great finish to a busy year!!