Governance in Not-For-Profit Organisations

6 Nov 2012 | Articles

Increase your understanding of 'good governance' for not-for-profit organisations, clarify the role, functions and tasks of the Board and reflect on the effectiveness of your Board or Committee on this practical, one day course.

Topics include:
<li>Governance and management defined</li>
<li>How Boards can add value</li>
<li>How to avoid the common pitfalls</li>
<li>Key functions of the Board</li>
<li>Inherent dilemmas for Boards</li>
<li>Board members – roles, rights and responsibilities</li>
<li>Board – staff relations</li>
<li>Effective meetings</li>
<strong>When:</strong> Saturday October 12 9.15am-3.30pm

<strong>Where:</strong> Unitec Mount Albert Campus, Carrington Road, Mount Albert

<strong>Facilitator:</strong> Aly McNicol, Senior Lecturer, Graduate Dip NfP Management, UNITEC

<strong>Costs:</strong> $75 [financial members of VA]; $110 [non-financial members] Usually $90 / $130

Volunteer Stories

Saving lives on the water

I moved back to Auckland after 10 years away. I've always done some sort of volunteer work...this time I decided to try something different