COVID-19: Volunteering during Level 2

18 Feb 2021 | Articles

Volunteering is an important aspect of our community. Much evidence exists of the value of volunteering to our society and economy. Our schools, hospitals, and a range of welfare services all depend on volunteers, and volunteers enable sports and the arts to flourish.

The impacts of COVID-19 on our society and communities has seen many more people offer to assist in the recovery and rebuild of our communities. Are you looking to volunteer? Or are you an organisation looking for volunteers?

With Tāmaki Makaura Auckland moving to Alert Level 2 today here are some tips and guidelines for engaging with volunteering safely.

Physical Distance: It is recommended that a 2 metre distance is kept between you and those not in your bubble. Physical distance does not mean 'social' distance - remember to keep in touch with your whānau, friends and neighbours.

Cover your mouth and nose: Wear a face covering when out in public, especially on public transport and around vulnerable people ie elderly and immune compromised like asthmatics, or those with other medical conditions. You can make your own face covering with what you have at home.

Social gatherings: For Auckland this means that there should be no more than 100 people at any gathering [includes birthdays, weddings, tangihanga and funerals]. Please do not travel outside Auckland to any event involving more than 100 people.

Follow safeguarding advice at all times when you're volunteering - there is more information available on the Volunteering New Zealand website.

Follow government advice at all times, during COVID-19 this changes regularly so keep yourself up to date on the government website.

Always consider and look after your own wellbeing. Volunteering should be fun and worthwhile, so be aware of how it's affecting you [or your volunteers] and take steps to keep everyone safe.

Alert level 2 Guidelines: for volunteers
Alert level 2 Guidelines: for organisations involving volunteers

We hope these simple guidelines are helpful when thinking about volunteering, wanting to be a volunteer, wanting to engage volunteers or setting up a community volunteering activity in your local area.

Volunteer Stories

Passionate about young people

It felt good to know that I was helping make a difference for young people. One word at a time, one dollar at a time.