LoVE Forum - It's your Special Day!

5 Nov 2018 12:30pm to 2:30pm

LoVE Forum - It's your Special Day!

It's International Volunteer Manager's Day! Come and celebrate with us and your peers.

Topic: Panel Discussion - What Value can Leaders of Volunteer Engagement bring to Volunteering?

Katie Bruce, CEO, Volunteering NZ
Sue Kobar, National Manager of Volunteers, IHC NZ
Lindy Lely, Manager Volunteering Services, ADHB
Heather Lyall, Community Consultant, Community Collective

Special Guest Mayor Phil Goff

Venue: Te Atatu Peninsula Community Centre [Fern Bird Room], 595 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula

And we have a surprise ... the presentation of our first LoVE Award to a person who actively promotes and supports volunteering both within their organisation and in the community, who has shown leadership in sharing their knowledge to their peers, who is an active participant in LoVE Forums, and who has been actively involved in supporting Volunteering Auckland. Will it be you?

Afternoon Tea Provided
Parking behind the Community Centre, Countdown and library

LoVE is our Leaders of Volunteer Engagement network where you can have the opportunity to discuss, present and learn about various aspects of volunteer engagement. You can also network with your peers across the community voluntary sector in Auckland, those who mobilise, support and advocate for volunteers and volunteering.

Volunteer Stories

One Mum's Story

A chronically sick child in a family usually means a lot of hard work - and not a lot of spare time. But a sick child in Dianne Smith’s family meant s...