LoVE Awards!! Book NOW! - 07 November 2023

7 Nov 2023 10:30am to 12:30pm

LoVE Awards!! Book NOW! - 07 November 2023

BOOK NOW!! to celebrate our theme of Helping People Help!
Our annual LoVE Awards celebrate you - those who recruit, manage, coordinate volunteers across Tāmaki makaurau Auckland. We acknowledge excellence in volunteer involving programmes and celebrate champions of volunteers.

Who will win one of the 3 catergories? Will it be you? The categories are:

Leader of Volunteer Engagement
Volunteer Involving Programme
Corporate Champion
Come and join us to celebrate the great work of Leaders of Volunteers [LoVE] this year and hear interesting speakers from a funder, a business and a not-for-profit discuss how they incorporate the support of volunteers in their strategies.

There will be mingling, entertainment and Nibbles!

Registration closed

Volunteer Stories

Saving lives on the water

I moved back to Auckland after 10 years away. I've always done some sort of volunteer work...this time I decided to try something different