Alaina McGregor


Portrait of Alaina McGregor

Alaina McGregor has two decades of communications experience working for a number of commercial and not-for-profit organisations in New Zealand, Australia and the UK. These roles have required Alaina to draw on a broad spectrum of skills across all facets of business and operations with a specific focus on public relations, marketing, stakeholder engagement and issues management.

Alaina is an advocate for helping more New Zealanders to connect and contribute positively to society through volunteering. A passion for uniting people with a common purpose to do more good in the community was the driving force behind her launching 10x10 Aotearoa - a social impact organisation that enables skilled volunteers to raise much-needed funds and support for grassroots charities through a movement of sustainable giving. Alaina is also the Marketing Communications Lead at Southern Cross, one of New Zealand’s most well-known, not-for-profit brands. Alaina has previously served as a national Board member for the Wine Communicators of Australia.

Volunteer Stories

A weekly highlight

As a newbie to the big city I decided to look for some new experiences to get better acquainted with my community.